Strontium Test
Strontium plays an important role by accelerating coral and
calcareous algae growth.
NSW contains approx. 7 – 9 mg/L strontium.
Since the growth of corals and calcareous algae goes hand in hand with strontium
and calcium depletion, depletion of calcium usually means depletion of strontium
as well.
It is advisable to maintain a strontium concentration between 5 and 20 mg/L.
Strontium measurement is a necessity but is unfortunately a relatively difficult
test. Perhaps in forthcoming years this will change when newer and easier
methods for strontium measurement will become available.
It therefore is a test, which many hobbyists will not conduct frequent enough.
For that particular reason strontium additives should be designed in such a way
that a too low or a too high strontium concentration is avoided.
With the Salifert Natural-Strontium additive we have reached this aim.
When used in combination with our Coral Calcium additive according to the
instructions then the need for strontium measurement is greatly reduced and
would have to be performed only once every few months.
Furthermore NSW contains strontium associated with sulfate. This form lacks the
toxicity, the commonly used, strontium chloride has.
We therefore use predominantly strontium sulfate together with some other
ingredients to avoid the occurrence of an ionic imbalance. It also makes it more
effective and less toxic than strontium chloride.
The Salifert strontium test kit detects both ionically free and moderately
complexed strontium. Salifert was the first to introduce a strontium test kit.
Approx. 25 tests per kit. Measures in approx. 5 ppm increments.